God REALLY wants to Enlarge your Life. Recently, God showed me in a
vision that He is waiting and wanting to enlarge us and has an eager desire to
do so. Tragically, we often view Him as indifferent, or stingy, or mysterious
as to how He interacts with us. None of this is true.
We have His unconditional love and favor – that is biblical
truth. He is determined to advance His kingdom and we are central to that plan.
He has given us the Holy Spirit to assist us every step of the way and we have
been given every spiritual blessing in Christ. We need to live, worship and
work with a boldness – a confidence and determination, that we are fulfilling His
calling in everything we do. As we do, God activates and enlarges His presence
and power in our lives. When we love Him, serve Him, and obey Him; without
reservation or the blockage of sin in our lives, we are participating with God
in His divine nature. As a result, we will absolutely see the growth of His
Kingdom in and through us.
By living a
yielded life and surrendering to the Holy Spirit, we participate with God in
who He is and what He wants to accomplish. Our yielding causes Him to occupy
our space and to permeate the atmosphere of our lives. And, where God is, there
is life, blessing, favor and expansion. As a result, He will grow our hearts, minds;
expand our gifts, talents, and abilities. New opportunities, creativity,
opening of closed doors, and the revealing of new strategies simply unfold
before us. Because we are connected to Him and cultivate our relationship with
Him, we experience His anointing and see His power flow through our lives. His
power and presence changes us and permeates the world around us.
When God is enlarged in our lives, we are enlarged. God is
eager and wanting this to happen. Because He is eager, we should be too! This
is something to covet and cultivate. We can be absolutely assured that by
cultivating time in God’s presence we will look like Him, act like Him, love
what He loves and hate what He hates. He acts become our acts, and His passion
becomes ours. Because of this, we see a powerful God doing powerful things through
us and on our behalf.
This is how our lives are enlarged, because it is God
doing the enlarging. Isaiah 54:2-3 - “Enlarge your house;
build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no expense!
For you will soon be bursting
at the seams.
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